
A Blog about Literature, Culture and the Environment

Blossoming Hope in Eco-dystopian times: Deniz Gezgin’s Eyes Wings Flowers Tails


by Merve Günday Deniz Gezgin’s1 poetic novel Eyes Wings Flowers Tails (2023)2 welcomes its readers to a magical realist universe where weird and fantastic characters become the everyday victims of environmental degradation. Though plunged into the darkness of the exploitation of nature, its “[w]orld is more sudden than we fancy it/…crazier and more of it …

Rivers as Emblems of Hope and Resilience: Drowning and Resurfacing in the Ganga


by Saloni Shokeen I still remember the extreme experience of drowning in the Ganga. A few years back, I went up the river with the intention of acquainting myself with rafting. As we got on our rafts, the river appeared to be calm and serene, except for a few rapids that shook the raft with …